Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Feedback from my Pitch

When it came to comments on suitability for the stated target audience, there were mixed results - some people said it was "suitable" and other said differently. For example, one comment was "I would think 18+ would like this music" which, after something, I agreed, you don't just stop liking music because the band is younger than you, so after taking that into consideration, I decided young adults would also be involved in my target audience. Another comment mentioned that it could be "a bit grim for a young audience" which again, after some consideration, I agreed on, also, thinking to when I was younger, I didn't listen to more indie/rock music, I'd listen to whatever was popular at that time. It was only in my young teens I began listening to rock music. Another comment backs this up with "too morbid for pre-teens?".

When it came to the originality of the idea, nearly every single comment stated that it "sounds good" or "very original idea" and that "splitting the screen in two will be memorable". There are no other negative comments.

The only problems for logistical arrangements would be "what if you don't have the camera for long enough to get to all the different locations?". After thinking on this, I decided I'd take the camera out for Christmas aswell, and do all of the bands filming within the holidays.

All of the feedback on the technical aspects simply mentioned that I'd need some "knowledge of editing, but is very achievable". So I feel its definitely achievable.

All the feedback agreed it was realistic. Comments such as "I think it would work very well" and "Very serious issues, but good idea".

After checking through all my feedback, I found that every single person who saw my presentation answered "Yes" to the question: Overall, does this idea sound exciting and achievable, so there is no problems whatsoever there.

Monday, 24 October 2011

The Pitch

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Music Videos which have inspired me

These videos include Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Face Down, Eminem - Space Bound & Linkin Park - Numb. Only two are within my genre. I will explain why they inspired me so much in the idea process of this video at a later date.